Never count on new support until you see it on your statement.
           Keep your supporters informed on what you are doing and all the blessings.

           Avoid long lists of all your financial needs. Share your needs but ask God to supply them.

           When you are on deputation you are in the receiving mode. Once you reach your
           field shift into the giving mode.

           Make sure you are a faithful tither and giver to the church you are planting.
           Make sure you let your people see you are giving to every offering.
           Make sure you
do not know who is giving or not giving. It's none of your business and
           it will help you not to become a respecter of persons.

           Make sure your fingers are not sticky when it comes to money or material things.
           Try to have three people who are not related count and record all your offerings.
           If possible try not to live on the same level as the nationals. Make sure your wife is
           comfortable with your living quarters.

         WARNING: The lust for Money and women will disqualify you from the ministry.

    Please, never promise a missionary support unless you know for sure you will do it.

          When introducing a missionary to your people, always remember to introduce his wife.
          She is as much of a missionary as he is if not more.

          Try not to overlook a single lady who is called to the mission field. I have found they will
          do more mission work than a lot of men. Often times the missionary Pastor will get all the
          credit but there may be a missionary lady holding Bible Classes, visiting and soul-winning etc.
          that are the cause of church growth.

          Don't overlook those missionaries who do not plant churches. Teachers, Doctors, Nurses,
          Handymen, etc., etc. have a vital part in God's harvest field. Church planters need them.


           From the very beginning, exercise 2 Timothy 2:2. You may not be on your field as long as you think.          

           Teach your people Biblical Stewardship.  Don't rob your people the joy of giving. God can
           give your people, regardless how poor, money to meet all their personal needs as well as
           supply the needs of your church.
Stay away from America. You do not need
         America, you need GOD to meet all your needs. Getting support from
         America will affect your people and they will look to America to build
         their church and supply their needs.

           Start a Bible Institute in your church. Train your people. You cannot have multiple
           churches without a Bible Institute.
You can do it with GOD'S help.
Read What did Dr. Lee Roberson said about....?

           Be appreciative of the American missionaries that came to your country with the Gospel.