Pastor & Mrs. Gilbert Toquero - LaLoma Baptist Church
LaLoma, Quezon City, Metro Manila

This is the first church we planted September 27, 1980

One big event while we were there was 
the  Founders' Banquet  hosted by the 
LaLoma Baptist Church on 9/20/02

There were nearly 300 people who attended - church 
members, graduates from all of our Bible Institutes, etc. 
We met many of our children and grand children in the 
faith. It was an exciting and emotional evening for Carol
and me with all the good fellowship, music and 

Double click to enlarge the pictures.
Founders_Banquet_1_1.JPG (45436 bytes) Founders_Banquet_3_3.JPG (39935 bytes) Founders_Banquet_4_4.JPG (36332 bytes) 

Founders_Banquet_5_5.JPG (35667 bytes)
Founders_Banquet_6_6.JPG (32282 bytes) Founders_Banquet_7_7.JPG (32163 bytes)

Founders_Banquet_8_8.JPG (37696 bytes) Carol, Digna & Odette 3 3.JPG (46059 bytes) Founders_Banquet_77_7.JPG (36413 bytes) We want to thank the Pastor and Members of the LaLoma 
                                                                                 Baptist Church for making this   Founders' Banquet a reality. 
                                                                                 We are grateful for their generosity. 

Founders_Banquet_88_8.JPG (39399 bytes)
Founders_Banquet_99_9.JPG (35904 bytes) Founders_Banquet_999_9.JPG (32403 bytes) Founders_Banquet_999_Flor_C._c.JPG (48285 bytes)